
August 2020 - December 2020

Web development

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Contact us Frank: +31 6 81 01 31 15


Match en Fit supports associations by creating sponsor plans and assists elite sporters with realizing their dreams.

What Match en Fit wants

“An online portal where sports associations and elite sporters can create a tailored roadmap for sponsorship.

MatchenFit Desktop
MatchenFit Mobile

An overview

of our activities


We created a portal where sporters and sport associations can create a sponsorplan with the help of video, image and text support for guidance. Every customer has it’s own portal with the possibility to adjust products and continue where they left off.

API links

To increase the effectiveness we have enabled smart email alerts. Email alerts are set when a customer forgets it’s partially filled cart, a payment reminder or when the steps haven’t been filled out after an amount of time. This to ensure the customers receive the stimuli to finish the process.

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